It must have been a hot muggy Tuesday evening in Bucktown in July 1951. At Trunks' Bar-B-Q, a group of Chester County citizens - all old car buffs - banded together and formed the Chester County Antique Car Club.

At this initial gathering it was decided that only Chester Countians could become members, and that regular monthly meetings were to be held on the fourth (4th) Tuesday at the homes of various members.

Additionally, the following officers were elected: President, Thomas B. Synder II; Vice President, Robert B. Synder; Secretary/Treasurer, Raymond E. Prizer; Chief Mechanic, W. Vernon Jones - all of Pughtown.

In addition to the above mentioned officers, the following were in attendance: Warren C. Walt, Spring City; Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jones, Pughtown; Mr. & Mrs. George Trunk, Bucktown; David McCurdy, Lionville; Miss Edith P. Moore, Lionville; and David C. Knauer, Pughtown. It is part of the record that Mr. McCurdy and Miss Moore arrived for the meeting in their antique Packard.

Following the nature of their hobby, frequently scheduled day tours would be held to fulfill the "zest for the road" of these automobile fanciers and their cars. August 28, 1951 was the announced date for the next meeting for the fledgling club.

Curtis Quaintance - Historian